
Monday, 13 June 2011

Taking Und to Edinburgh

It's been another busy week, but I thought I'd quickly share what I've been up to...
As you may already know, Und  is heading to Edinburgh - woo hoo! However, we could do with a helping hand to fund the show and we're looking into crowd funding as one of the possible sources.
If we use a site like We Fund, we would need to create a video to go with our appeal and at the moment it looks like it'll be me putting it together. So, having never done anything like it before, I've started to play with what we've got (production stills, quotes and music from the show) to see what we can do and to learn how to do it. Below is my first creation - a little promo for the show - it is by no means the final product (I'll post the final outcome on here as well), but I was pretty chuffed with my first attempt:

Thanks again to Matt Chilton for sending me the haunting recordings of him and Seth Guy (if you didn't see the show this is some of the music they created from found objects and if you did see it, it may evoke a few memories), Alex Brenner for the production photography (he also designed our flyer which I use in the opening) and Abi Bansal for her pre-production photography (the black and white photos, taken in the warehouse, where we nearly froze taking them!)
I hope you enjoy it.

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